Sunday, April 13, 2008

still wk 7

Ok, back on track but still two weeks behind schedule with the sessions...
I have just created a account and posted my blogsite to it!

I gave up trying to install the two buttons and just ended up bookmarking the web site, which defeats the purpose of the exercise I think, as I'm bookmarking to my PC...

Still trying to get my head around the influx of new info!! Like the Social Bookmarking film clip suggests, there is probably great potential for particular groups to share commonly required information, such as teachers preparing lessons for particular classes, students tagging sites for assignments etc. Same goes for library FAQs but the brain is a bit mushy at the moment so woul have to think where this could be applied.
For individuals, I can see a real advantage for storing frequently used sites on the web. Having just organised a new computer, I now need to rethink the favourites I had previously bookmarked as I can't retrieve info from the old hard drive.

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